Get connected with big networks

講者: Cynthia Dai, Andrew Laffoon, Jeremy Schiff
Overview of CET and Entrepreneurship at Berkeley---
接待我們的Cynthia Dai是在Berkeley教授創業課程的老師,她相當簡單的介紹了她所教授的課程內容(其中包括了一個和時代基金會intern跨國際的合作專案),就把場子交給兩位她的學生──年輕創業家了。Cynthia說的一句話:“Berkeley students graduate prepared to face multicultural competitions.” 非常發人深省,令人也不禁想到 ”Are we prepared to face such conditions when we graduate?”

Mixbook & Fotoflexer---
接下來,是兩位年輕人Andrew: CEO of Mixbook和Jeremy: CEO of Fotoflexer跟我們分享他們的故事與經驗,打翻我們對於討論創業時的刻版嚴肅印象,他們就像在介紹一項非常有趣的新玩具,以生動富感情的態度,邀請大家一起進入這有趣的世界。的確,創業需要有足夠的熱忱,才能堅持下去,也才能讓大家感染到不只有產品的魅力,更是這家公司的品牌吸引力。
Creating something amazing! Grow, Grow! You’re young, why not?
這樣的衝勁讓大家感動!「You’re young, why not?」,不論你是否有超棒的點子、足夠的資金,或是豐富的資歷;年輕,不怕苦,不怕輸,有幹勁,就是最大最好的資本。就因為年輕,我們可以禁得起挫折,我們勇於嘗試新鮮事物,我們還有時間從中學習、成長,並有機會改進。
Hard work
對於創業,他們強調的不只是精神,「Start-up is 1﹪idea and 99﹪ hard work!」,的確,行動力、努力和毅力,是實現夢想甚至事業的第一步。唯有扎扎實實的去做,努力以赴,才能期待豐碩成果。
Great team

Precious Words---
Help and be a mentor to others.
Learn to identify good ideas vs. bad ones quickly.
Get connected with real entrepreneurs.
Know the culture difference, make good use of them.
Learn new skills quickly; be comfortable to be in multiple hats.
Lean on and trust people that work around you, and ask a lot of questions.
Get others to do what you don't have time to do.
It always takes longer than you think.
When you receive money from someone, you ain't the boss no more, so don't do that easily.
Keep sustainability; know how to keep them coming back.
Get connected with big networks.
Know your differences, and tell other users about them.